Want to pass your EXIN Business Information Management Foundation with reference to BISL BIMF exam in the very first attempt? Try Pass2lead! It is equally effective for both starters and IT professionals.
Which responsibility belongs to the process Demand management?
A. determining the necessary capacity for change
B. periodic consultation of the end users
C. identification of information requirements within the business process
Which activity belongs to the process Specify information requirements?
A. defining the global impact of a suggested change to the information provisioning
B. defining the impact of the suggested IT solution on the end user organization
C. defining how the IT solution interacts with the non-automated processes
What is an important result of Contract management?
A. a Dossier of Agreements and Procedures describing the interaction with the IT service provider
B. a procurement contract for the starting materials for the end user organization's production process
C. a Service Level Agreement with the business management regarding the business information management services